Why I Read, and Why I Talk About What I Read

Jane Brody has an piece in the NY Times about why she exercises.  Perhaps because I am “benched” for the time being–no running for me due to a uncooperative knee–I clicked on the article.  At the end, she sums up her reasons thus:

“It’s how these activities make me feel: more energized, less stressed, more productive, more engaged and, yes, happier — better able to smell the roses and cope with the inevitable frustrations of daily life.”

I can relate to this.  But not with regard to exercise.  (I exercise mainly because I love sweets!)  All these exercise benefits that Brody states are what I get from reading, and from discussing with others what I’ve read.  If you’ve ever been in a book group, well, if you’ve ever been in a Literary Masters book group or salon, you know exactly what I mean.  The connection we make–to the book, to each other, to our own, unknown selves–is a forever rejuvenating and rewarding experience.

If you’d like to read Brody’s article, click here.

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