Should Your Book Club Read Foreign Bodies by Cynthia Ozick?

My personal book club met the other night to discuss Foreign Bodies by Cynthia Ozick and the reception was extremely tepid. I don’t want to beat a dead horse here, so for my first blog post on this book, look here.

I was a tad surprised at the group’s consensus on this book. Everyone felt it was confusing for no apparent reason, and came away from it saying “huh?” There were eight of us gathered, and the other seven, like me, felt that perhaps they had missed something because they hadn’t read The Ambassadors by Henry James. One member, let’s call her Becky, actually made the effort to read about The Ambassadors on Wikipedia, but came away from it with very little insight–into either book!

Another member, let’s call her Susan, said that she thought the book was all about people who didn’t fit in somewhere–or who were foreign–struggling to belong. Marvin (the horrid father) is Jewish and so hasn’t had entry to many places he desired; his son Julian is a foreigner in Paris, as is his wife. Her foreign status is underscored by the fact that she’s a refugee, and being Romanian, a not very welcome refugee to boot. So, yes, that is that concern running through the story.

Someone, let’s call her Mary, mentioned that Bea undergoes the biggest transformation in the novel. I alluded to her change in my earlier blog post, and I can add here that she succeeds in shedding the suffocating control of her former husband and her horrid brother. Someone, let’s call her Barbara, thought that the former husband was worse than Bea’s brother. Which brings me to another point we discussed:

The lack of sympathetic characters in this book.

Let’s call her Lisa said she did like one person–Margaret, whom Marvin had sent off to the looney bin. The rest of us, however, couldn’t find anyone we cared about (well, maybe Lily a little bit), and wondered if that’s what was wrong with the book. Not that I think the characters have to be likable or sympathetic for a book to be good–I don’t think that at all. But there was something about this book that left us all…unsatisfied.

We then discussed the “group-think” of book critics, and wondered whether Cynthia Ozick was just getting by on her reputation. Most of us liked her writing quite a bit; you’ll remember that in my earlier blog post I said it sparkled. But this novel is not as wonderful as the book critics made it out to be, and that makes me wonder about the book critics!

Now, is it a good choice for a book club? I would say yes IF you read The Ambassadors along with it. Otherwise, I’m not sure I would select it. There are other books out there I would choose first.

Do you disagree? Tell me, what do you think of Foreign Bodies?

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