I have been thinking about themes for my next season of Literary Masters book groups.  I have fond memories of the time I did “Literary Masters Falls in Love“–I mean, who can resist that?  I was considering books about marriage, but thought that might get too, I don’t know, personal???  Anyway, all of a sudden, just by chance, I ended up reading a bunch of books that fall right into that category.  I don’t have time for a long post, so I am just going to WHIRL here, but if you want “Points to Ponder,” please let me know.

The Awakening by Kate Chopin.  I just love this title.  The book is quite good, if a tad dated.  (Is that heretical?)  Four stars, but would probably bump up to five if we discussed it in one of my Literary Masters book groups.  The books always improve in my salons!  I couldn’t help but think of other books I’ve read while I was reading this, such as The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, or Coral Glynn.

On Canaan’s Side by Sebastian Barry.  Four stars.  Again, I kept thinking of other books, like Brooklyn.  This is a quiet yet compelling story, and the writing is beautiful.  I almost feel I should read it again, and I might bump it up to five stars.  This book is about much more than marriage, but it deals with that institution in a certain time frame as well.  This book has been on long or short lists for many prestigious prizes, and I can see why.

Mudwoman by Joyce Carol Oates.  Wow.  This is one hefty book, yet I tore through it.  I had always wanted to read something by this prolific author, and now I have.  I’m glad I chose this book; it was really…creepy, compelling, thought-provoking, and quite a page-turner.  I am considering this for my next season of Literary Masters.

What about YOU?  What have YOU read lately?

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