Do You Want Your Child to Read?

A silly question, right?  We all want our children to read, and ideally, we’d like them to read books! Parents who know about  Literary Masters frequently approach me and ask, “How can I get my child to read more?”  This is what I tell them:  If you want your child to read, YOU must read.  It’s like Robert Fulghum, the author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, said so eloquently, “Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.”

Children model their parents’ behavior (scary concept, I know); what their parents DO is much more important than what their parents SAY.  So, if you want your children to read, make it clear that your home values reading.  Carve out some evening time to read and suggest your children do the same.  Even better, carve out some time to read together.  And best of all, join a Literary Masters Parent/Child book group to discuss what you’ve read together.  Not only will you learn something about the book–I guarantee you, you will learn something about your child!

Click here for an awesome article that Frank Bruni wrote for the NY Times.

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